In Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 as well as OSH management system such OHSAS 18001, one of the requirements is to have a safe working place for the workers and also those who might affects by the activities of the workers. It is the responsibilities of the employer and workers to promote and practising a sound OSH measures to ensure the activities in their work place are effectively taken place. To increase the safety culture, both parties should be collaborating to create a conducive and safe place not only for the employees but all the stakeholders affected by their activities.
This course will focus on the management of safety and health and also provides participants with practical approaches in identifying the hazards and risks associated with their works as well as the solutions to eliminate or at least minimize as far as it practicable. This interactive course also covers details on safety measures for each of the selected work natures as well as exposing the participants to the concept of working safely culture.
Participants will be exposed to potential hazards and risks in contruction work site and practical prevention method in eliminating or minimizing the hazards and risks. At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with:
1. Legislative requirements
2. Essential OSH Management requirements
3. Hazards and risks at the work place
4. Accident Preventive measures
5. Safe working procedure
Module 1: Introduction to Safety
- Overview of the topics
- Creating Safety Culture in the workplace
- Hazards, Risks and Accident
Module 2: The concept of OSH Management at Site
- Authorities Regulations – CIDB & DOSH
- Roles and responsibilities of the site workers
- Safety Management Practices
- Site Safety Organization
Module 3: Determining Hazards and Risks
- Type of Hazard and Risks
- Identification of Hazard
- Risk Assessment
Module 4: Prevention of Accidents
- Hierarchy of Accident Control
- Accident Prevention Methods
Module 5: “Budaya Kerja Selamat dan Sihat”
- C.A.T method for accident prevention
- Safe Working Instruction
- PPE requirement
Module 6: Recapitulation, Q&A and closing
- Date: 16 April 2025 (Sunday)
- Time: 8:00 am hingga 5:00 pm
- Venue: PBL 1, Blok A1 UTHM Kampus Pagoh
RM 65.00
REF 1 : Full Name
REF 2 : Course Name