UTHM Bitara, formerly known as the Center for Continuing Learning and APEL (PPBA), is a merger of the Center for Continuing Education (CEC) and the UTHM APEL Center, effective January 1, 2022, under the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International). UTHM Bitara focuses on planning, managing, and implementing lifelong learning programs at UTHM to generate income for the university.
The history of UTHM Bitara dates back to 2006. On July 17, 2006, UTHM established the Center for Continuing Education (CEC). In 2016, the CEC’s Offshore Program Unit was transferred to the Center for Academic Development and Training (CAD), while the Professional Program Unit’s responsibilities were assumed by UTHM Holdings Sdn. Bhd.
In August 2017, CEC was placed under the Office of the Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Financial Sustainability). Subsequently, it operated under the Office of Business Development (BizDo) from September 2020 to December 2020. On January 1, 2021, CEC was realigned under the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) before the formation of UTHM Bitara.
Vision, Mission and Quality Objective
To be the global leader in quality and innovative lifelong education.
To offer innovative, flexible, relevant, and customer-centric lifelong education programs that contribute to sustainable development.
Quality Objective
Ensure at least 2 academic programs through continuous learning are implemented each year.
Ensure at least 3 executive/professional/competency programs are offered each year.
Ensure at least 10 short courses are conducted each year.
Ensure that APEL.A assessments are carried out within 2 months for every applicant.
Ensure that APEL.C assessment applications are completed within 6 weeks.
Ensure that 1 Open and Distance Learning (ODL) program is offered each year.
Ensure that 5 Micro-Credential (MC) courses are offered each year.