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In Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 as well as OSH management system such OHSAS 18001, one of the requirements is to have a safe working place for the workers and also those who might affects by the activities of the workers. It is the responsibilities of the employer and workers to promote and practising a sound OSH measures to ensure the activities in their work place are effectively taken place. To increase the safety culture, both parties should be collaborating to create a conducive and safe place not only for the employees but all the stakeholders affected by their activities.

This course will focus on the management of safety and health and also provides participants with practical approaches in identifying the hazards and risks associated with their works as well as the solutions to eliminate or at least minimize as far as it practicable. This interactive course also covers details on safety measures for each of the selected work natures as well as exposing the participants to the concept of working safely culture.

  • Expose participants to the latest developments in the use of refrigerants, including more environmentally friendly types of refrigerants and new technologies in the field.
  • Provide training and guidance to participants on proper refrigerant handling methods, including correct techniques for usage, maintenance, and disposal of refrigerants, with the primary aim of controlling global warming and ozone layer depletion.
  • Offer in-depth knowledge about the environmental impacts of refrigerants and related regulations, such as the Environmental Quality Act 1999.
Date & Venue

  • Date: 4 - 5 February 2025 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
  • Time: 8:00 am hingga 5:00 pm
  • Venue: Bengkel Penyamanan Udara, FPTV
Course Fee

RM 150.00

Account Number : 0107-0000-001-716
REF 1 : Full Name
REF 2 : Course Name